size and power.

based on your wishes

professional applications.
Farewell Kees van Kleef.
After a period of 26 years as Director / General Manager at Jac de Vries Gesta, Kees van Kleef said goodbye to Jac on March 22. De Vries Gesta, and he can enjoy a well-deserved retirement.
We would of course thank Kees for his efforts, creativity, professional knowledge and leadership of the company in recent years. It has Jac. De Vries Gesta brought us to where we are now in the market!
In recent months you have trained Jacques Schutte behind the scenes, who you will succeed as General Manager. We have also trained a number of new colleagues to help Jac. De Vries Gesta to continue in your footsteps.
New address!
November 12 2021:
Our company has moved to a new addres!
See our updated company details.Call +31(0)299 684226 or mail gesta@jacdevriesgesta.nl

Welcome to our renewed website!
We hope to serve you even better in this way.
The website has been refreshed and updated with 25 main groups, in which you can find examples of our delivery program for the various product groups. You can also open the various attachments and downloads for more information and options.
Jac de Vries Gesta is strong in customization, has a lot of experience in all kinds of electrical heating issues.
Call +31(0)299 684226 or mail gesta@jacdevriesgesta.nl